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What is the purpose of Bail?

To give the defendant their freedom while the case is still open and to assure that once the defendant is released they continue to appear for each and every court date. If the defendant violates the terms of the court order and forfeits the bail the signors are then obligated to pay the full amount of the bail to the bail bonds company.

What is a surety hearing? Or bail sufficiency hearing?

This is a procedure that the DA goes through to prove the legitimacy of the funds used for the collateral and premium.

What is meant by Bail Bond?

Bail Bond is the security cash or Insurance Company Bond given to the court in the form of a contract between the court and the defendant and their sureties. The sureties are the bondsmen and anyone who is willing to be a signor on the bond. Typically the other signors are family members of the defendant who are willing to be liable for the full amount of the bail.

How do judges decide on the amount of the bail?

Some ways the judge decides on the amount of bail are:

  • The seriousness of the charges
  • Prior criminal history
  • Prior warrants
  • Defendants ties to the community